
Bodytalk is a consciousness based healing system. Very often when we are dealing with a chronic health disorder, and we try a lot of physical treatment modalities, the results are dissatisfactory. This leaves us wondering whether We are addressing the root of cause of the disease. But sometimes the root cause of the disease may not be located at the physical level.

In Indian vedantic philosophy and modern quantum physics understanding, human system is composed of multiple layers.

It is like visualizing human beings as a continuum of Matter-Energy- Information. Bodytalk is a system which helps address issues at all levels, through the session one uncovers certain details about various events in the individual’s life and how it links to various aspects of health. It is followed by addressing it using tapping as a method.

In our experience, body talk is very helpful to patients, in expanding their awareness, letting go of repetitive Patterns in their lives and creating newer possibilities of health, abundance and harmony.

For more details, one can watch this public talk video. It also has a video testimonial from a patient at 1:00:30 seconds

If you Have Any Questions Call Us On +91-7042462606