Ozone Therapy

Ozone gas (O 3) is a gas with multiple uses. In nature, it protects us from harmful UV rays by the Ozone layer. A controlled exposure of ozone gas mixed with oxygen can help heal human system from various chronic and acute Health conditions.

Ozone therapy is very powerful tool to overcome or correct this chronic oxidative stress. It stimulates body’s anti oxidative enzymes to fight the bombardment of ROS (Reactive oxygen species). It helps mop the toxins (detoxification).

OZONE THERAPY was discovered in Germany well over one hundred years ago but did not come in common use till recently. It is now becoming more popular in various parts of the world. Ozone therapy is safe, simple and painless. Ozone cannot be given directly through nose like oxygen. Exact measured quantities of Ozone gas are administered through rectum as an enema, vagina, eardrums, mixed in blood or saline infusions.

Ozone gas and ozonated oils are also applied over the affected parts and ulcers for quick healing. Each treatment takes only a few minutes.

No anesthesia is required and patients can talk cheerfully during the treatment. These sessions are given two or three times weekly for total of about 15 to 20 sittings. It may be continued thereafter if needed.

Indications for Ozone use

  • General wellness.
  • Detoxification.
  • Metabolic conditions like Diabetes, Hypothyroidism, Insulin Resistance and Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • PRP with Ozone for acne scar management.
  • Ozone hair rejuvenation: Very helpful in patients with dry lifeless hair, looking for chemical based procedures for improving hair quality. Ozone hair spa is a simple, hundred percent natural treatment. In this treatment ozone oxygen gas mixture is passed through a wet hair covered with hair cap for 15 to 30 mins. Within two sittings, patients notice change in their hair texture.

For more information on Ozone therapy, visit


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