Call Us : +91-7042462606
In today’s day and age the possibility to connect in any part of the world has emerged. We are doing tele-consultations with patients all across the world.
The process involves sharing of images of diseased area and previous medical records prior to the consultation. We connect with patients via Whatsapp or Zoom. Following which, a prescription and an audio note explaining the treatment process is shared with the patient. The whole process is smooth and convenient and saves time, money and unnecessary commuting. This process works for 80 percent of the dermatological and non dermatological concerns.
However, this doesn’t discount the importance of in person visits. We always tell our patients, that when we are doing online consults, we see what you want to show us. When we meet in person, we see things that you may not be able to pick up on your own.
Hence, an ideal recommendation is to follow the hybrid model, whenever possible come for visits, and in between the process can be continued on tele-consultation basis.
For patients living in very different time zones, we are flexible and generally 10 am (IST) or 7 PM (IST) slots are available.