Medicines are an important part of the treatment; however, for curing a chronic disease one also requires improvement in every aspect of daily life. Our each little daily habit cumulatively makes or breaks a disease pattern. Here is a list of certain key factors for good health.

Note: In today’s life style, it may not be possible for you to implement all these points one hundred percent. However, even if we start working on these issues and give our best effort, we will see a drastic change in our health and happiness.


  • Pure and positive thoughts, emotions and activity in first 30 minutes after waking up energize us for the whole day. Preferably meditation, reading spiritual literature, prayer.
  • Avoiding news on television, internet, newspapers and other negative environmental cues through the day.
  • Prefer exercise/Yoga during early morning or day time rather than night time.
  • White lights after sunset strongly reduce melatonin (sleep hormone) secretion. They increase prolactin hormone secretion during day time causing hormonal and autoimmune diseases. Switch off white/yellow lights in the house after 9 pm, including TV, laptop, mobile phones. You can use red/orange lights or white LED lights covered with red/orange translucent sheets.
  • Pure and positive thoughts, emotions and activity in last 30 minutes before sleep. Preferably meditation, reading spiritual literature, prayer. This can drastically improve the depth of sleep.
  • Sleep with feet facing preferably north or east. Especially important to avoid south direction.
  • Be aware of Geopathic stress around us and find ways to manage it.


What to eat?

  • Prefer happy eating as opposed to pleasure eating.
  • Digestive system has ability of assimilating what it needs from food, if in good condition. So rather than focusing on Proteins/Carbs/Fats/Calories, focus on digestion.
  • Learn to see subtle signs of indigestion like bloating, heaviness in abdomen, tiredness or sleepiness after meal. One should feel light and energetic after a meal, if that is not happening, review your diet.
  • Any food item with capacity to transform into a new plant is live food. Fresh fruits and salads, sprouts are some examples of live food. These food items are a rich source of enzymes which aid digestion and heal gut.
  • Avoid tea, coffee empty stomach (morning/evening). They retard digestive capacity and scavenge our energy, even though temporarily they make us feel energetic. Prefer natural juices which provide sustained moderately high energy levels by supplementing enzymes in digestive system.
  • Digestive capacity parallels sun cycle, being maximum at noon and supposed to shut off by sunset. Same food eaten in the night will create more toxins and if eaten during day will supplement your health. Following pyramid diet is essential.
  • Lesser the alteration from its original form, better the food. Prefer raw, lightly/freshly cooked food. Avoid stale food/reheated/preserved/ packed food as much as practically possible. Small amounts of such food can also harm our gut lining.
  • Know your allergies and intolerances and eat accordingly. Intolerances are different from allergies.
  • In the world of pesticides and genetically recombined food, accepting limited safer options for eating is important.
  • Milk is no more an elixir. There is dearth of desi cow (A2 milk variety), torture of lactating cows, processing and adulteration of milk, and very prevalent silent lactose intolerance/ milk protein intolerance. It is important to change our attitude towards milk and milk products.
  • Gluten (Wheat/Maida/Suji/Rawa/Oats/Barley/Corn) is a very significant component of our diet. Due to newer recombinant varieties of wheat being more immunogenic and weaker digestive capacity of human race, mild to moderate gluten intolerance is an epidemic, with estimated 1/3rd of human beings affected from it. This figure increases further in patients suffering from chronic diseases. Gluten has the special ability of creating ‘brain fog’ which hits the most important part of us, our decision making, from thereon creating problems in every sphere our life.

How to eat?

  • Our stomach expects at least 30 percent of digestion to have already occurred in the mouth. Chewing and salivation are very important for that. Planning your time and using ‘will force’ to slowly chew your food is essential.
  • Do not limit the amount of food, rather allow yourself to eat an adequate amount slowly and peacefully. When we eat peacefully, we never overeat.
  • Salivation is an emotional act. If you are thankful for your food, positive and joyful at the time of eating, you will salivate much more. Extent of salivation is also a marker of release of digestive juices in the gut. Hence, right emotions are very important for digestion both in mouth and our gut.
  • Learn mindful eating, which means be with your food in ‘present’ and non- judgmentally feel all the sensations that come with the process. Doing this on a regular basis has the power to completely change your choice of food items without use of any force.
  • Avoid distractions while eating like television, mobile phone. Food is more than just matter; it has a bio electromagnetic field.

Mental health

  • Relaxation exercises, Physical and Mental.
  • Psychoneurobics: Understanding how our thoughts and emotions affect our bio electrical field, manifesting as disease or good health. Using lights and color therapy to heal them.
  • It is important to constantly connect our ‘Buddhi’ which is our discriminatory power with our ‘Mann’ which if left to itself seeks only sensory pleasure. Accepting our mistakes and taking 100 percent personal responsibility for them (rather than blaming others for our problems) is the key to a strong ‘buddhi’.
  • Based on kinesiology, shame/dissatisfaction/feeling of not being good enough, guilt, apathy, desires, anger and pride are negative emotions which weaken us. Learn to deal with them individually.
    • Shame/feeling of not being good enough/ being conscious is the most negative emotion one can experience. It affects our digestion and leads to formation of food intolerance. It can be healed by joy, gratitude towards our tough situation, calmness, learning lessons from our problems.
    • Guilt/Anger is the next most negative emotion, which is not forgiving oneself/others for an action. It affects our thymus gland, leading to autoimmune disease. Acceptance, love, compassion and forgiveness are the keys to healing this emotion. However, if there is lack of joy, it is very hard to resource these positive emotions. So work on step (a) and (b) simultaneously.
    • For dealing with anxiety, resource courage, faith in your ability and hope of triumph of righteousness.
    • Peace, calmness and service full attitude towards use of power is necessary to shed ego.
  • Alcohol and other drugs of abuse are a strong force with the ability to mute the negative emotions and hence provide a short cut to positivity. By the rule of nature, any force applied leads to an equal and opposite reaction, which in this case leads to surge of negativity in that person’s life through various means including diseases. If we don’t understand this process, the added negativity creates a stronger urge for alcohol/drug abuse leading to a vicious cycle. Break this cycle by building up natural means to positive emotions.
  • Likewise, money earned through short cuts, cheating and harming others, will play a role in creating negative emotions and chronic diseases, which can never be treated using the same money. Unless that changes, all efforts to treat the condition may only offer temporary symptomatic relief and not cure.

Note: Most of the information given here has sound scientific evidence backing it. However, some of the information is based on experiential evidence as medical science is yet to explore them through well formulated studies.

All the points in the check list are mentioned briefly, if you wish to understand in more detail, feel free to contact us.

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